Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I always hear a lot of people talking about their fates, but I never really considered mine until last week. It's crazy how life brings people together, rips them apart, pushes them away, etc. Last week, I started dating Daniel. He is exactly the man I need and have been looking for for so long. The crazy thing about this whole thing is, we work together. He noticed me from my first day on the job and though I noticed we were getting closer (ie: talking more), I never imagined that a relationship would come of it. Over the Thanksgiving holiday we started talking online and eventually on the phone. We met up, hung out outside of work, and decided that we wanted to be together. This is all so sudden for me, especially since I just finished therapy for what was a terrible relationship that damaged me in ways I never thought possible. Oddly enough, I'm happy. Moving on is easier than I ever thought it would be. Getting rid of toxic people in my life has proved to be something that has been trying, yet extremely worthwhile. Chris and I are still friends, although we don't talk nearly as much as we used to. David and I no longer speak. Lucy and I are on the outs, probably permanently. But all of that is okay. At first, I was very unhappy with life and going through huge bouts of depression that just leveled me. In the short time we've been together, Daniel has managed to erase all my doubts about ever finding a real, honest, GOOD, man. Of all the people I've dated, he's the only man. A man is not someone who is tough 24/7, but someone who knows how to take care of their family, their obligations, and themselves. Daniel's had a hard life, but it's made him stronger and I appreciate everything that's happened that's made us come together. I think we both go together perfectly because we need each other to fulfill our needs. Not once in my life have I met someone so wonderful. He treats me with respect and is constantly telling his friends about me. He does little things for me like holds my umbrella, opens doors, pulls out my chair, or helps me with my coat. Even though we've only been together for a week I know that I love him. My heart tells me so. And this is so different from any kind of love I've ever felt before. After Chris ripped my heart to pieces I never thought I'd find what I thought was love again. Thank you, fate, for bringing me on the path that lead me to Daniel. Even though I hated being hurt by someone who I loved, it was all worth it. Everything is worth this. For the first time in a very long time, I'm happy. I feel secure, safe, and loved. That's all I've ever wanted in someone and now I've found it.
And PS: Daniel feels the exact same way =D