Thursday, April 2, 2009

rainy days

They aren't good for the emotionally distressed. But alas, it is April, so that means probably about 20 more days of this stuff, interspersed with a few sunny days here and there. April was never my favorite month. I'd have to say that May probably is, just because it's not too hot yet and there are lots of flowers to make me smile. I've always wanted to get married in May, and I hope that will pan out for me one day.
Another thing I hate about rain is that it makes my hair and face look disgusting. My hair is so fine that it frizzes with any chance of humidity, and on rainy days it's just a huge fuzzball. My face on the other hand just feels extremely greasy and I also sweat a lot because of the moisture in the air. When I get out of school I'm going to have to move somewhere outside of the south so I don't have all this humidity pushing down on me all the time.
Also, rain makes me feel extremely unproductive. Today, for example, I don't have class at all so I'm trying to get started on using the day to practice for the LSAT and get my weekend homework done. All I want to do though is watch Sex and the City. I guess I'll have to make sure to push myself really hard to get things done. Perhaps my inability to be productive stems from the fact that I'm not exactly in the best of moods either. The person who I love more than anything has a tendency to break my heart even if we're not together. Breaking up is tough, but I'll get over it. It's only been two weeks right? I can handle it, but the thing that sucks is that when you have a heavy heart it only weighs you down more, making it hard to get focused on anything other than the matter at hand.
In other news, why is it so hot in my dorm room? Our thermostat seems to be messed up. The black line is pointing to 70, which is what we want it to be on, but for some reason the red line is at 75 and pointing at a weird angle. This has got to stop...blah.
Okay, off to get some work done. Hopefully I'll see the sun in a few days...:-\

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