Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm back!

So it really has been a long time since I posted! I don't know how that happened. Not that much has been going on lately. Since I left school I've started working over my break, and that's what I'll be doing until I go back to school in January. I'm an intern for Argus Insurance (part of High Point Bank, where I work as a teller during the summer). I take over the switchboard sometimes, but this year I'm mainly scanning files. On Monday and Tuesday, I had to load up all of the customer files from the document vault and bring them into the insurance office. That was a lot of work, and I definitely got a work out from doing it, complete with sweaty hair. I really looked like I had been to the gym, which is not a nice picture. Any who, after I did all of that manual labor, I started to scan the files. I have to go through and pick out all of the pertinent information, then load it into a scanner someone referred to as a "dinosaur" and then upload it to the insurance program so the agents can see the applications, etc online. Then, it's off to the shred bin for the (sometimes) ancient files. It's a pretty chill job. I sit at my desk all day and do my stuff. No one bothers me, and I just get up and go when it's time for lunch or a break, or the end of the day. It's kind of boring at times because the scanner is so slow. On Monday I'm moving to a different desk so I'll have a high speed scanner, at least in the morning. In the afternoon I have no idea where I'll be sitting, so it really is up in the air right now. I hate having to readjust after being shuffled around, but I'm sure it won't be too bad.

I'm off to do my dad's Christmas shopping in a few hours, so wish me luck. Crowds are probably one of my least favorite things ever. I hope I don't get too flustered today.

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