Tuesday, January 27, 2009

twenty-five things

There's a "note" going around Facebook that asks you to write 25 random facts, habits, talents, etc about yourself and then "tag" 25 people who do the same thing. Basically it's a cool and non-annoying chain thing. I already did mine on Facebook so I decided to bring it here. I really enjoyed doing it so here are some more random facts about myself :)

1. I collect Hello Kitty items: keychains, notebooks, pens, stuffed animals. You name it, I've got it.

2. I don't have just one favorite color. I love pastels and bright colors such as blue, pink, purple, and green.

3. I really can't stand the color orange. I have an orange bath towel and it's really my least favorite one.

4. Normally I would pick something chocolate instead of something sour for candy, but I love Sour Patch Kids.

5. I like to try all of the different flavors of Orbit gum. Recently I've chewed Positively Pomegranate, Strawberry Mint, and Maui Melon Mint.

6. Decorating cakes is one of my favorite hobbies. If I had the time and a bigger kitchen I'd do it as a business.

7. When I was in middle school I played basketball and was on the varsity cheerleading squad.

8. My favorite type of music is alternative rock from the 1990s. I remember sitting on my bedroom floor listening to the radio all day when I was about 10 years old. Those were the days.

9. I love to read for pleasure, but ever since I elected to be an English major I haven't had time to keep up with personal reading.

10. I'm going to start applying to law schools in the fall. So far on my list I have UNC, Elon and UVA. I still need to pick 3 more to apply to.

11. My favorite thing to do for a vacation is to go to the beach. Laying on the sand and listening to the waves crash is my idea of the ultimate relaxation.

12. Corona is my favorite beer, although I just turned 21 so I haven't had the opportunity to try more brands yet.

13. I want to have twins for the sole purpose of killing two birds with one stone. If two kids are what I want, I'd rather have two at once and be done with being pregnant.

14. I've lived in the same dorm all three years I've been in college. My first year I lived in Cobb 217, last year it was 417, and this year it's 224.

15. Apparently I've got a knack for writing. I've had a poem published and I won a Daughters of the American Revolution award for my writing in 8th grade.

16. I'm the shortest person in my immediate family by a significant amount. My mom is 5'9", my dad is 6'0", and my brother is 6'2". I'm 5'5".

17. I am an extreme creature of habit. Example: I always get the #5, 8-piece nugget, value size combo at Chik-Fil-A. I only eat chocolate chip cookies, and when I go to Krispy Kreme I only get a chocolate iced creme filled doughnut. Nothing else.

18. I like to paint my nails, but I only like French manicures and either French style, red, or pink polish on my toes.

19. My hair is gradually changing texture. It's been straight for almost my whole life and now it's starting to become curly.

20. I don't watch much TV, but Seinfeld, Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, and Top Chef are my favorite shows.

21. I like to procrastinate by going to Neopets and playing games.

22. I have terrible acne. The funny thing is I'm on 4 prescriptions for said problem, which work off and on, and I never had such terrible break outs until I came to college.

23. Dresses and heels are my favorite things to wear.

24. Chanel is my favorite designer, and mark my words: I WILL have a pair of Chanel Sunglasses and the "C" earrings!!!

25. I'm more into a modern, simplistic design and I don't like clutter. It's just annoying.

Hope everyone enjoyed learning a little more about me!
Until next time...

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