Sunday, March 29, 2009

"smoke it like a peace pipe, as they say"

The title of this blog is what the nurse at the doctor's office told me on Saturday.
Remember how I wrote about me being sick for almost a month? Well the month of me being sick is official today, March 29.
Yesterday, I went to the doctor again for a second opinion. I saw a different doctor this time, thank God. I can't stand my family doctor. That's a story for another post though. Anyways, I was diagnosed with both a sinus infection and a respiratory infection. I walked out of there loaded up with prescriptions. Before they would let me leave, I had to take a peak flow test and when I didn't blow enough air on that test I had to get a breathing treatment. That's where the quote comes from. And while I was sitting there, "smoking my peace pipe," I was thinking about how crappy I've felt in the last month. It's been never ending, and something new each week. Here is a list of the medications I'm currently taking to fight these infections:
1. Inhaler, for my lungs (I'm extremely wheezy/short of breath)
2. Prednisone, for the inflammation in my lungs
3. Amoxicillin (antibiotic, I have to take 3000 mg/day of this stuff!)
4. A prescription eye drop (my eyes are also infected)
5. Mucinex D, for the sinus congestion
6. Saline nasal spray so I can actually breathe
These six medications are in addition to the antibiotic I already take daily for my acne, as well as the birth control pills I'm on. I really hope that I get better soon because one month is a really long time to be sick. Plus, with all that medicine, there's no reason why I shouldn't be feeling better! I'll keep updating on my condition, but now it's time for a little shut eye!
Until next time...

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