Tuesday, March 24, 2009

viruses are gross

I'm not one to complain about being sick, but damn! I've been sick for almost a month now and it's driving me insane. It all started when Chris got some sort of nasty viral infection, then passed it on to me (accidentally of course). We were both really sick and miserable and pathetic looking while driving down to Florida. You should've seen us, taking our Robitussin every 4 hours, endlessly sucking on cough drops, and blowing our noses with the huge box of tissues we bought before we left.
When we left Florida, Chris got way worse and I was on the mend. He started taking antibiotics, which were ineffective for awhile, then miraculously he got better. I, on the other hand, got sick again, just like he did! I went to the doctor and all I got was some lousy cough medicine (lol). Now we're both suffering from scratchy, sore throats, and mine kind of burns a little. I really don't think this junk is ever going to go away, but I guess that's what viruses do to you. Here's hoping we both get better soon! It sucks to be sick, especially with allergies right around the corner. It's a vicious cycle.

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