Monday, May 18, 2009


I had my ultrasound this morning and it turns out that I have gallstones. This means that I will have to have my gallbladder removed. I have a consultation with the surgeon next Thursday and then I'll schedule the surgery. Ultrasounds are really weird, by the way. I had always heard that the gel was cold, but the stuff used on me was warm. It was also kind of tingly. The little sensor thing that they move around on you is hard and uncomfortable, especially when it pushes on the thing that hurts (that would be my right side). Also you have to hold your breath for a few seconds which isn't really fun either because it's difficult to hold your breath while they're pushing on you. Overall it's a relatively painless procedure, but it's definitely strange. The sound the sensor makes feels really funny too. It kind of vibrates inside your body. I wonder what it's like to get one while pregnant? I suppose I'll find out in a few years. So for now I'm waiting and the pain in my side is dying down a little but not enough for me to be comfortable. I've found it's worse while I'm sitting. Well, I'm off to eat some (non-fattening) dinner and head out to the gym.
Until next time...

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