Wednesday, May 13, 2009

working girl

Yep, back to the grind. My first day back was Monday, a gray, rainy day. How amazing right? This summer I'm a floating teller so I get to move around instead of having a branch to go to everyday. This could be good or bad, I haven't decided yet. Although it will be nice to have a change of scenery every once in a while. On Monday I just got to observe to refresh my memory and I got sent to the branch I worked at last year (Westchester). It was fun to catch up with all my coworkers and also meet some new people. The customers are the same: either really grouchy or pretty nice. The coworkers are "all the same, but more bitter" as Geoff puts it. Tuesday I got to run a drawer after some brief review on Reg CC holds, fun stuff, I know. Today I just ran a drawer like usual. It's like riding a bike: once you've gotten the hang of it, it's very easy to pick up later. I'll be working at Westchester until next Friday when I'll switch to Eastchester. I have no idea what's in store for me after that. At least I'll get paid at the end of this month, though! I need that money for Chris's birthday and the huge tab I'm working up with him due to the fact that I am absolutely broke at the moment. So far so good though. I'm hoping that the summer and my job can only get better! I'm off to get ready for the gym now.
Until next time peeps!

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