Sunday, May 17, 2009

a pain in my side

This isn't a metaphor for something annoying, it's the real deal. Since 3AM I've had a sharp pain beneath my rib cage on my right side. You know what that means? Gallbladder issues. Fun stuff. Let me start with a little history. Last summer I would wake up in the middle of the night with really bad heartburn that made me feel like I was having a heart attack. After the pain in my chest would subside, an extremely painful stomach ache would follow, keeping me awake longer. There is no comfortable position to be in with this kind of stomach ache. You can't sit down, stand up, lay down, or do any combination of these positions because nothing helps. Eventually the cocktail of OTC medications (and sometimes one of my mom's prescription pills) would kick in and save me, letting me sleep. The pain ALWAYS went away within a few hours. In October though, I had one of these attacks at school. The heartburn was unbearable, but it finally passed, leaving me with a stomach ache that lasted all day. I couldn't go to class and I just slept until 3 in the afternoon when I finally felt okay. I was extremely nauseous and couldn't really move. I just laid down and tried to sleep. Since then I hadn't had an attack until last weekend. The heartburn was extremely bad as usual, but for some reason the pain lingered in my stomach. When it finally went away I felt strange for the rest of the day. These experiences culminated yesterday (Saturday) at about 7:30 PM. Chris and I went to enjoy a dinner at Rockola in Greensboro. After my extremely fattening dinner I noticed my stomach felt strange, but I just put it off as gas. It didn't go away and when I got home I took two Gas-X to relieve the pain and went to bed. At around 3 AM I wake up with the same dull but terrible aching in my stomach, this time the heartburn did not accompany the stomach pain. The more I moved, the worse it got. I took a ton of medicine and an hour later it still hadn't improved so I took some more. I was in and out of a sleeping state because I was in so much pain. I wriggled around on the bed and moaned because I couldn't do anything else. I told my mom and she said I needed to go to the emergency room. I called Chris and he came over to take me, but when we got there it was packed. The pain in my side had not gone away so I went to an urgent care center. I knew something was up with my gallbladder because my mom and aunt both had the same problems previously. I told the doctor my symptoms and he drew blood to check for an infection. No infection, but I have to get an ultrasound on my gallbladder in the morning. Until then I'm on an anti-inflammatory and something for the intense nausea I have. The pain in my side still persists, and it comes in waves of being really sharp and painful to dulling down. I have never had pain last this long in this area, and medicine has always worked up until today. The prescriptions I'm on make me extremely drowsy so I keep fighting to stay awake to type. I will probably have to have surgery to remove my gallbladder immediately so please pray for me. I've never had a procedure done like this before. The only surgery I've ever had was back in October on my gums so I'm really nervous. I can't even go to work in the morning since I'm having that ultrasound. We shall see, and I will definitely keep you guys posted. Please pray that things work out in the best way possible and that I can actually get some pain-free sleep tonight.

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