Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the home stretch

Tomorrow is my last exam, and will arguably be my hardest by far. Not something I'm looking forward to. I'm planning on studying for it the rest of the afternoon so I can hopefully pass that class with a C or better. It's for my major so I need to get at least that, plus a B would be nice to make my GPA finally reach a 3.0. Here's a lesson for you guys out there: NEVER, and I mean NEVER, make an F in college. When I was a freshman in college I took Chemistry 101 because I thought I was going to be a pharmacist. Worst decision, ever. I made a B in Chem lab and a B on all of the homework assignments and quizzes in the lecture but when it came to the tests I never did well. My test grades for that class were 45, 11, and 16. No joke. I made a 52 on the final. Out of 200 possible points. Yep. That class kicked my butt and I don't really understand why I did so poorly on the tests, but I did and ended up with a big fat F in the class. I probably would've made an F- if that was possible. So yeah, I spent the rest of my college career trying to pull my GPA back up to a good, round number. So my lesson that I've learned is: if you don't think that you can pass a class, drop it. Don't be afraid. I've done that twice since I made that F. Never again will I take a class that is too hard for me to perform well in. Tomorrow afternoon I'll be a senior! I can't believe my time in college has gone by so fast. Soon it'll be time for me to hit the pavement and look for a job. Wow, scary! Now if I could only get my love life under control...then I'd be in the money.
Until next time...

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