Sunday, May 3, 2009


Staying optimistic is usually the way to go in most situations, at least that's what I've experienced in the past. There are just so many things going on in my life right now that if I let them overtake me, they could. Some days I just want to curl up in a ball and let myself be overwhelmed...I guess you could call these my "bad days." I think everyone has good and bad days. Even though the bad days are less than pleasant, we need them to keep us balanced. So through this time of anger, resentment, stress, unhappiness, unsettling, and heartbreak, I'm trying to remain optimistic. I know that as with all other unpleasant things in life, this too shall pass. My emotions are just a bunch of jumbled thoughts right now so I could be happy one moment and angry the next. I'm hoping to sort this out soon so I can get back to normal. Therapy anyone?

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