Monday, November 3, 2008


So I already have a blog at MySpace, and I'm pretty sure that I'm getting one on a "real" website later this month. This is a temporary blog. Sometimes a girl just needs to get her thoughts on paper, or in the case, on the web. At first the idea of blogging was a little creepy to me..."wow, someone can read my thoughts..." well, not exactly. I have to let them in. So I am. Welcome to the inside circle, although it may not be that interesting or the most desirable place to be.

A little about me:

I'm 20 years old (soon to be 21) and a junior in college (UNC Chapel Hill). I'm working on a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a minor in Creative Writing (hence the blog). After finishing my BA, I want to go on to law school to get my JD degree. Hopefully I'll either be a divorce lawyer, a corporate attorney, or a criminal prosecutor. I haven't decided as of yet. I have a wonderful boyfriend who dotes on me more than he should. He puts up with me...what can I say? I love him for it. We've been dating for almost eight months.

My two favorite things are dogs and babies. I hope to have a little of both in the future. My mom inadvertantly promised me a miniature dachshund when I graduate from college so I've already picked out his name: Tyson. To go along with Tyson, a teacup pomeranian would be cute and since they resemble miniature teddy bears, his name would be Teddy. So there you have it, the name of my blog comes from my future pets. Cute? Maybe.

I have an expensive taste for the finer things in life (ask the boyfriend). Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees as I thought it did when I was younger. North Carolina did not provide me with work-study money this year so I had to work extra hard over the summer and save up everything. This puts a huge damper on my desire to own a Coach handbag, a Burberry scarf, Chanel sunglasses, and other costly accessories. Being unemployed bites. That said, my favorite store is DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) and I'm always browsing in there for my next great purchase. I guess when I have my own house it'll have to have one of those gigantic closets like Carrie has in Sex and the City. Otherwise I don't know where all of my things are going to fit.

I think that's enough about me for now. I'll be sure to try to keep this thing updated frequently, but I'm not promising everyday. Maybe from time to time I'll post a few of my short pieces of writing, but mostly this will just be a kvetching board...perhaps I'll steal some of those from The Daily Tarheel.

Until next time.
Au revoir!

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