Thursday, November 27, 2008

rise above this

I have always loved Seether's song "Rise Above This" because it has a really nice sound but at the same time it's got a great message. It's about overcoming obstacles in your life and remaining strong. Shaun Morgan (lead singer) dedicated it to his brother Eugene because he committed suicide as a result of depression. The whole video is really touching and sweet and at the end it has the Suicide Hotline number so people who are battling with this horrible pain can get some support.

I highly recommend the video, and the song is one of Seether's more alternative rock selections instead of the heavier things they've done in the past. Anyway, here's the link if you're interested:
Rise Above This Video

Seeing Seether perform this song live in Charlotte on October 6, 2008 was one of the greatest moments of my life. Now that I've had that experience under my belt, I'm able to appreciate the song a whole lot more. But today, it took a whole different meaning for me. I was driving back from my doctor's appointment and it came on the radio:

I'll mend myself before it gets me
I'm falling down, but I'll rise above this, rise above this

These lyrics really touched me seeing as today I found out that I might have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I knew this could be a possibility, but my previous doctor had never mentioned it. Thankfully, she left and I switched to another doctor who is way more proactive (not to mention caring and charismatic). He wanted to find the root of my problem, so he decided to do blood work and find out if I really do have PCOS. If I do, I'll have to be on a strict diet, birth control pills, and a diabetes medication. I'll lose about 2-4 pounds a month, but I'll be getting this disease under control.

Anyways back to the song. It really touched me because I felt like I connected with the lyrics. I'm not going to let this get to me. I'm going to get it under control. No, it's not as serious as cancer but it's still a problem that I have to deal with. It's me who's in control. I'm going to rise above my fear and not going to let this get to me. I was at a really low point today when I had to get the blood work done because for one, I'm scared of needles. I think the deeper issue was my worry about what was going on with my body and what I am going to have to do in the future. So anyway, I got to thinking and all I can think about is how I'm going to be okay and that it's something treatable. The doctor even assured me that I could get pregnant in the future (not something I'm even thinking about right now), and that took a huge weight off of my shoulders because I've always heard that women with PCOS either can't get pregnant or they have a lot of trouble conceiving. Either way, the doctor told me that I would be okay with this medication and I trust him, I'm in good hands.

To the DJ on 106.5, thank you so much for playing Rise Above This at the right time. I needed it much more than anyone could understand. It helped to pull me out of my melancholy and served as a reminder that I can do this, and in the end it's going to be okay.

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