Wednesday, November 19, 2008

it's cold!

Aren't you proud that I resisted the urge to write the title in perhaps one of the most annoying cliches ever? You know, the dreaded, "Baby, it's cold outside!" Yeah, me too!

I'm really not sure what to talk about today...not much has gone on. The only thing that immediately comes to mind is how cold it is outside. I'm not complaining because I love winter and cold weather, even though it forces you to bundle up to the max and causes dry hands and chapped lips. I think I'm able to better appreciate the world's beauty when it's cold. I'm not bummed out because I'm so hot that all I want to do is jump into a pool or hang out in the AC. To the contrary, I feel like I see better in the cold. I don't mean my vision jumps from less than perfect to 20/20 because of the weather. What I mean is that when I'm outside I notice how pretty it is. The sky is a crisper blue, the leaves on the ground seem vibrant in their dying colors of reds, yellows, and oranges, and the crunch of pine cones and the scratch of leaves and pine needles on the brick sidewalks make music. Have you ever noticed the smell of dead leaves? It's not unappetizing in the least. It's the smell of fall; that crisp, unmistakable smell you get when you step into a chilly, overcast day in the middle of October. Autumn is always a sensual orchestra which tantalizes all five senses and makes one feel warm deep inside, even if the air blowing against your face isn't so nice.

Winter on the other hand is my favorite season. Cold air smells so nice and I love snuggling up to my boyfriend on a chilly evening. Coats are also one of my favorite things to wear, along with scarves and long sleeves. I can't wear these things at any other time of the year. Also, Christmas is in the winter, and that's my favorite holiday. My birthday falls in January and Valentine's Day comes in February. These days highlight the season with which I am in love. You can't forget snow either. I haven't seen much snow in my lifetime, but I start to get excited when I see the tiny white flakes falling from the gray sky. In fact, it snowed for a little here yesterday but I didn't get to see it. According one of my roommates, it only lasted for five minutes. Oh well, hopefully it'll be a favorable winter for snow this season. I can't wait for it to get here!

With that said, I should go labor over my eight-page Shakespeare paper. I really don't want to be working on it over the weekend's to you, Willy.

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