Monday, November 24, 2008


Earlier I was washing my dishes and I was thinking about how domesticated I've become. I know it's pretty typical for women to have to learn how to keep up the house, but it makes me wonder why the guys out there don't have to do more things around the house. I know some guys know how to do the basics, such as dishes and sweeping, occasionally vacuuming too. But seriously, they have to live as bachelors or go to college at some point, so why do their mothers at an early age not urge them to learn chores? I'm talking about laundry, dusting, mopping, bathroom detail, etc. I learned how to do all of these things fairly early, and my brother had to help but he always got the easier tasks like taking out the garbage or sorting the recycling. Why? Because my mom felt as though he couldn't clean to her standards and that he "couldn't do it right." Eventually she taught him how to clean the bathroom or turn on the washer/dryer, but that wasn't until years after I had been doing these things pretty regularly. It's interesting how girls are expected to learn how to do these things but boys aren't until much later (if ever). I realize I'm making a huge generalization here but I'm just working off of experience. Are we in "Future Wives Training" from the first time we pick up a broom?

I don't mind doing domestic duties; in fact, I actually enjoy them when the mood strikes me. I know I'll never be one of those mothers who wears jeans and a T-shirt and constantly smells of spoiled milk, peanut butter, and diapers, but I'm looking forward to being able to take care of my house and my babies. I really want to keep a clean house and proper children. If I have a boy I might even train him how to do some of the "girl" chores around the house, but as much as I've complained about my brother not knowing how to do these things, I think my mom was partially right about him not being able to do it to her standards. For example, my current boyfriend tries so hard to wash the dishes to my standards but he is terribly slow at it. I'm glad he's trying but if I let him take charge we'd be at the sink for two hours (no lie). Maybe it's something in boys that makes them naturally better at mowing the lawn or taking the trash out, who knows? All I know is that it's nice to have some help around the house. Boys, take note! A girl loves a man who knows how to clean (or is at least willing to help).

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