Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am SO ready for a break. I can't stress this enough. School gets to a body sometimes, even if you don't do nearly as much work as you did at the beginning of the semester. Sometimes with the end so close it seems like it'll never come. Right now it's Sunday night and I have to wait until Tuesday at 1:45 before I'm done with class. Then I get to go through the mess of getting my car, packing it up, and driving home on traffic-jammed I-40. I'm predicting it will probably take about an hour and a half to get home...hopefully the traffic won't be too bad though.

I also hate how teachers love to assign lots of papers, tests, and projects at the end of the semester. December 3 is my last day of class, and before then I have two papers due, one of which I'm currently working on (2/8 pages! yes!). I'm not nearly as stressed out as some people are, but with finals creeping up I think I could start getting that way. Also, I have to call about a job tomorrow so I hope I have one when I arrive home for Christmas break. I really need that money! I'll be working from December 15 until January 2, which is all of Christmas break except for one week before I return to start the spring semester. Let's hope this all pans out in the end.

Okay, enough of a break! I HAVE GOT to finish this paper!!! I won't let it get the best of me.


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