Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the budget

Doesn't the title sound like an episode of Seinfeld? Sometimes I feel like my life could be on a TV show, but I'll save that for another entry. This one is strictly for highlighting my financial woes.

As (almost) any college student could tell you, it sucks to be broke. Up until this year I had a work-study job but now I don't...long story, not that interesting. Basically, this leaves me with almost no money for anything fun. I'm reminded of this as I sit here eating my Pop 'n Chicken...a microwave Michelina's meal with small pieces of chicken and mashed potatoes in the shape of a smiley face. What's to be happy about when you're a lump of potatoes about to be ingested? I guess it's more for little kids but hey, it was cheap! So, you ask, with no job, how am I able to go to the grocery store? Over the summer I work full time in a relatively well-paying position as a teller. This summer I saved up pretty much all of the money that I earned and am budgeting myself. Each month I move a certain amount of money from my savings account into my checking account. This money isn't a lot compared to what having a biweekly paying job would bring in. Basically it's just enough to pay my bills. If I didn't have a boyfriend I wouldn't have anything. That's really sad...but it's the way things have to be for now.

Speaking of budgets, my boyfriend has also put me on one. I'm allotted a certain amount of money from him a month for our dinner dates, etc. He owns his own company but I guess he isn't getting any business right now...and hasn't since last year. I feel bad for spending his money but at the same time I have a need for a life. Like I already said, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have anything at all. He's a very generous person and I love him for it, but I absolutely suck at budgeting! For instance, it's only the second week in November and I'm already half way through my budget for the month. I just know I'm going to go over, especially since I've been coming home every weekend this month when usually I stay in Chapel Hill most of the time. I have no idea what's going to happen...

I know many of you are asking, "Why doesn't she just get a job?" Well the answer to that is simple. I'm already stressed enough with my school work and sometimes I barely have enough time to do it all. I know I could be better with my time but still, I feel like I need time to relax as well as to do my work. Anyways, if I got a job that would take up all of my free time and eventually cut into my work time. I would love to have a work-study job, but a job off campus is so inconvenient due to transportation problems and time requirements. I just hope I can work during Christmas break. If not, I'm definitely going to have a lot of trouble coming my way.

Hope everyone is having a better time with their checkbooks than I am!

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