Tuesday, November 18, 2008

long survey

Lucy has been begging me to do this survey, so here it is. I started at 2:11 PM and finished at 4:06 PM. Pretty much anything you would want to know about me is on here...

What time is it? 2:11 PM
Name: Sarah Murray
Nicknames: Sarah-Belle, but only my family can call me that
Birthday: January 22, 1988
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Shoe Size: 10
Height: 5’5”
Eye color: Blue/green
Hair color: Naturally, it’s strawberry blonde but I recently dyed it Chestnut
School Mascot/Colors: Rameses…or a big foot (Tar Heels)/Carolina blue and white
Grade: College Junior
Pets: Norm, my greyhound and Cuddles, my hamster
Siblings: a brother, Thomas
What languages do you speak? English, and fragments of Spanish and French
Where were you born? High Point, NC
Where do you want to go to college? Already here! I go to UNC
What do you want to be when you grow up? A lawyer
What was the worst day of your life? The day I ran over a curb and ripped off my bumper
What has been the best day of your life? Finding out I was accepted to UNC


taste: tortilla chips
clothes: a blue Henley and jeans
hair: down, windblown
annoyance: lack of tasty lunch food in the room
longing: for Christmas break to get here
desktop background: pink with white polka dots
worry: money


movie: pretty much anything starring Al Pacino
song: Yellow by Coldplay
band/group: Thursday
clothes store: Old Navy…probably.
article of clothing: shoes!
relative: my mom, dad, and brother

sports: basketball and occasionally football
vacation spot: beach!
ice cream flavor: chocolate
fruit: strawberries, honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon
candy: Reese’s miniatures
car: BMWs, or Chris’s blue Z
class: English 355: English Novel 1870-WWII
holiday: Christmas
place to be: at home
day of the week: Saturday
color: really depends, but I love pink, purple, blue, and green
season: Winter
kind of tree: crepe myrtle
magazine: Cosmo!
book: Gossip Girl
word: cellar door (Donnie Darko)
food: probably stuffed shells (a variant on lasagna)
animals: dog!
girls name: Ashley, Molly, Emma
guys name: Charlie, Atticus, Zachary


danced? Last night in my chair to some Missy Elliott
had a serious talk? yes
hugged someone? yes
fought with a friend? no
cried? no
laughed? yes
made someone laugh? yes
bought something? no
cut your hair? no
felt stupid? Not really
talked to someone? yes
missed someone? yes
gotten sick? no
sang? yes
said 'i love you'? yes
wanted to tell someone you liked them? He already knows
met someone new? no
moved on? Nothing to move on from
yelled at someone? no
dreamed about someone you can't be with? no


Had a hangover? Kind of

Done drugs? Just the Herb…but that’s not a drug.
eaten an entire box of oreos? nearly
been dumped? Yep
had someone be unfaithful to you? Unfortunately
watched Punky Brewster? no
hiked a mountain? Not exactly hiked, but walked on one
stayed home on saturday night, just because? yes
been in love? yes
seen the white house?
Yes seen the Eiffel Tower? Not yet
tried smoking? yep
had alcohol? yes
smoked marijuana? Yes
played Monopoly? Yeeees….
seen Titanic? Yes
kissed someone? mmhmm
French kissed someone? yes
tried a weight loss program? No but I’ve been on a diet
jumped on a trampoline? Yes, I miss it
visited another country? No
colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? Yes
had a bubble bath? yes
been on a plane? yes
been on a boat? yes
been on a train? yes
been in a car accident? Not one when I was driving
ridden an elephant? It’s on my list of things to do before I die
been to New York? I LOVE NY!
been to Florida? Yes…Miami!
been to California? Most amazing trip ever!!! San Francisco!
been to Hawaii? No, but hopefully for my honeymoon
been to Mexico? No
been to China? no
made a web page? Yep, back in the day I was really good at it
played with Barbies? Yeah, they were my favorite pastime for years
stayed up all night? A few times
shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? You know it!
broken a bone? Not exactly…almost fractured the growth plate in my ankle playing basketball
called a psychic or sex hotline? Haha no way!
watched Jerry Springer? Embarrassingly, yes.

gotten in trouble for talking in class? Only twice in my life :-[
been afraid of the dark? Probably

been in the hospital (not visiting)? Only when I was a baby
had stitches? Yep, in my gums after my gum grafting surgery…ick.
dumped someone and regretted it? nope
went out with more than one person at a time? yes
lied? Who hasn’t?
broken the law? Yes
been arrested? No
fallen asleep in class? I’ve gotten pretty damn close
used food for something other than to eat? O:) yeeees…
met a celebrity? I’ve been really close to a lot of them, but never “met” them
ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes
hated yourself? yes
been brokenhearted? yes
broken someone's heart? yes
said "I love you"? of course
gotten in a fight with your pet(s)? I can’t recall a time when that’s ever happened
dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? Never
given anyone a bath? My brother and my cousin when they were babies
bungee jumped? No!
made yourself throw up? no
skinny dipped? no
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No
pictured your crush naked? Of course
actually seen your crush naked? Hehe :)
fallen for your best friend? One time
been rejected? yes
rejected someone? yes
used someone? yes
done something you regret? No regrets.

[DO YOU...]

cry? rarely
like to give hugs? usually
like to walk in the rain? Ewww…no.
sleep with or without clothes on? With (clothes being pajamas)
prefer black or blue pens? blue
dress up on Halloween? I was a princess!
have a job? Not currently
like to travel? Yes and I wish I could do it more often
like someone? A whole lot
sleep on your side, tummy or back? Side and tummy…never back.
think you're attractive? sometimes
want to marry? yes
want kids? Ehhh…I think so. But if so, only one.
have a goldfish? no
ever have the falling dream? Yeah and I always wake up with a start
have stuffed animals? Oh yeah
go on vacation? I like to try once per summer and sometimes on breaks
have a crush on someone? Yes, and he’s my boyfriend =)
believe in an afterlife? Yes
have a "type" of person you always go for? Not at all.
want someone you don't have? Nope, I have everything I need
like being around people? sometimes
believe in God? yes
go to church? Not at the moment
play sports? No
ever sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you? No way
wish you were a member of the opposite sex? Not in a million years
wish you were younger: Sometimes

[ARE YOU...]

understanding: most of the time
open-minded: yes
arrogant: no
insecure: sometimes
interesting: I try to be
hungry: not right now
smart: in English
moody: extremely
hardworking: for the most part
organized: yes
healthy: I don’t have any diseases but I don’t eat healthy
bored easily: yes
responsible: yes
obsessed: haha sometimes
angry: 3 days out of the 7
sad: sometimes
disappointed: that’s a feeling I don’t usually get
hyper: no
trusting: no
talkative: with close friends/family. It takes me a long time to warm up to new people
timely or always late: timely
for world peace: if that can be accomplished
a health freak?: hell no!
lonely right now: no
a night or a morning person? Night for sure
ticklish? yes
ever afraid you'll never get married: Nope


gun control: we have a right to bear arms, but that doesn’t mean that anyone should be able to get a gun
abortion: I would never have one, but it’s not up to me what someone else wants to do with their body
Bill Clinton: adulterer
smoking: not for me
eating disorders: dangerous
rape: disgusting and deadly
south park: Hate it
summer: it’s way too hot, but I love to swim
tattoos: they can be pretty cool
piercings: I have a few.
make-up: love it…if you know how to use it without looking like a clown/ho-bag
drinking: it’s fun but you have to be careful with it


pierced nose or lip? Lip
serious or funny?: funny
single or taken?: taken
simple or complicated?: simple
sweet or silly?: sweet
tall or short?: tall
law or anarchy?: law
mtv or vh1?: mTV
7th heaven or dawsons creek?: 7th Heaven
sugar or salt?: sugar
silver or gold?: silver
tongue or belly button ring?: belly button
chocolate or flowers?: chocolate
angels or miracles?: angels
color or black-and-white photos?: black-and-white
sunrise or sunset?: sunset
m&ms or skittles?: m&ms
rap or rock?: Rap to dance to, rock to sing to
stay up late or sleep in?: stay up late
tv or radio?: TV
hot or cold: cold
sun or moon?: moon
diamond or ruby: diamond
left or right?: right
10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: 1 best friend
vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate
cat or dog?: dog
half-empty or half-full?: half-full
mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
newspaper or magazine?: magazine
spring or fall?: fall
give or receive?: give
rain or snow?: snow
lace or satin?: satin
happy or sad?: happy
corduroy or plaid?: plaid
wonder or amazement?: amazement
sneakers or sandals?: sneakers (Converse!)
McDonald’s or Burger King?: McDonald’s
blondes or brunettes?: either
Mexican or Italian food? Italian
lights on or off?: off at night, on during the day
duct tape or scotch tape?: scotch
candy or soda?: candy
Pepsi or Coke? Either
Nike or Adidas?: Adidas
northern or southern?: southern
conservative or liberal? Both = moderate


Do you know exactly where the blush goes? The apples of the cheeks
Would you say you know how to put on make up? Yes
Do you know how to French braid hair? I know what it’s suppose to look like
Do you have a specific color of cover up or foundation you wear for your skin? I don’t wear foundation/cover up
Do you wash your face at least once a day? Yes
Do you use an eyelash curler? no
How many colors of eye shadow do you own? 8 but I only use three
Do you use water proof mascara? No, it’s too hard to get off
How much do you pay for make up? Probably about $10 every 3 months
Does toothpaste really help acne? Never tried it
How many times a day do you apply lip gloss/stick? I don’t wear lipstick or gloss


Hair color: brown and curly
Eye color: blue/green
Height: 6’3”
Six pack: doesn’t matter
Long hair or short: shorter
Glasses? On occasion
Piercings? NO
Eyebrows? Clean
Buff or skinny? average
Teeth? White and straight
Funny or serious? Funny, but has to be serious when the time’s right
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home? Stay at home
Should he be able to bake or cook? Definitely cook, I’ve got the baking down!
Does he have a best friend? Yes
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends? No
Out-going or shy? Out-going
Sarcastic or sincere? Sincere, can be sarcastic in a joking way
Does he love his mother? Absolutely
Should he watch chick-flicks? Sometimes, but I usually hate chick flicks so it’s not a big deal
Would he be a smoker? No
How about a drinker? On occasion
And swearing? Not so much
Would he play with your hair? Sometimes
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time? Uhhh…no.
Would he pay for you when you're on a date? Yes but not 100% of the time
Does he kiss on the first date? He did J
Where would you go for dinner? Probably Red Robin lol
Would he buy you flowers? He has J
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? Laying under the stars, sure.
Would he write poetry about you? Probably not
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? He does
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends? Sure
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening? Every night
Would you hold hands? Yes
Does he play soccer? No
Baseball? No
Football? No
Basketball? No
Water polo? No
Golf or something equally boring? No
Does he surf? No
Skateboard? No
Snowboard? Maybe if he learned

Can he sing? Some songs
Play the guitar? I think he said he could
Play piano? No
Play the drums? No
Can he keep his room clean? We’re working on that
Is he an artist of sorts? With computers J
Does he write his own music? I guess he could if he wanted to
Does he have pets? We have a hamster
Does he use the word dude? Haha, sometimes
How about tight? I’ve never heard him say that
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you? Yes
What kind of car does he drive? A blue Nissan 350Z and also a silver BMW 328i
How old is he? My age…but a little younger


rides a skateboard: on
dresses like a surfer: off
dresses in all black: on
plays a musical instrument: on
sings songs: on
is shorter than you: off
is taller than you: on
has chapped lips: off
has green eyes: on
has brown eyes: on
has blue eyes: on
has hazel eyes: on
drinks alcohol: on (if moderately)
smokes cigarettes: off
smokes pot: it’s whatever
has brown hair: on
has black hair: on
has blonde hair: on
has dirty blonde hair: on
works out: on
smiles a lot: on
smiles when you walk into the room: on
calls you just to say hi: on
is a deep thinker: on
compliments you: on
has facial hair: OFF!
has freckles: on
is skinny: on
is bigger than you: on
wears eyeliner: off
tongue piercing: off
eyebrow piercing: off
tattoos: off
lip piercing: off
loyal: on
laid back: on .
rich: on
is tan: on (if it’s natural)
wears cologne: on (but NO Axe!…haha Lucy)
wears a hat: on
believes in love at first sight: on
believes in real love: on


of times i have had my heart broken: countless
of hearts i have broken: maybe 2?
of continents on which i have lived: 1
of tight friends: 5-6
of CDs I own: Maybe 15-20?
of scars on body: 2
of rings before you answer the phone: usually 2


best friend: Annie
screen name: wildaquariangrl
self purchased album: Britney Spears: Baby, One More Time
funeral: paternal grandmother when I was 6
credit card: not yet
enemy: He shall go unnamed…
road trip: NC to NY when I was 3


cigarette: 2006 maybe
car ride: yesterday morning
library book checked out: Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis, summer ‘07
movie seen: Quarantine (in theatres) in October, Scent of a Woman on TV this weekend
beverage drank: Coke
food consumed: pudding, tortilla chips, and 3 Reese’s minatures
phone call: Mom last night
time showered: this morning at 9
shoes worn: black Chucks
item bought: a Christmas window cling
CD listened to: Finch “What it is to Burn” on the way to Atlanta over the summer
annoyance: class
time wanting to die: what???
time scolded: probably sometime last weekend
CD you bought? Something by Modest Mouse for my brother
song you sang? “Hide” by Creed in the car
person you hugged? Chris
thing you laughed at? Lucy’s phone call
person you danced with: Chris


In the morning I am: groggy
All I need is: Chris
Love: is a good thing
Horror movies: can be good sometimes
The worst feeling in the world is: anger


What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Homework
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: Do I have to get up?
Who makes you smile?: everyone
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them?: no one
First grade teacher's name? Sister Helen
Song stuck in your head? Pass That Dutch by Missy Elliott
If you could play an instrument, it would be: violin
If you could change anything about yourself it would be: my procrastination
What's in your CD player?: don’t have one
What color socks are you wearing? White
What's under your bed? Lucy’s bed (it’s bunked)
What time did you wake up today? 9
What time do you usually wake up? Lately it’s been around 8:45-9
If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? Haha…somewhere on the back side of my body
Out of all of your friends, who has the coolest room?: Chris…it’s so big and private
What kind of shampoo do you use? Tresemme Color Thrive
What are you listening to right now? Random noises in the room
Where do you want to get married? Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Greensboro, NC
How many buddies are online right now? I’m not signed on
Random lyric: “Let them hos fight, pull the weave out. If a nigga act up pull the Desert Es out. When I pull the piece out niggas like ‘peace ouuuuuut.’”


Name four bad habits you have:
+ procrastination
+ cursing
+ getting angry too quickly
+ being mean

Name four things surrounding your computer:
+ Playboy neon lamp
+ pictures
+ vitamins
+ Germ-X

Name four things you wish you had:
+ more money
+ a miniature dachshund
+ a flexible job
+ a better body

name four scents you love:
+ my freshly shampooed hair
+ fabric softener
+ waffles
+ a clean house

name four things you are thinking about right now:
+ 8 page Shakespeare paper
+ weekend plans
+ snow
+ dinner

name four things that you have done today:
+ went to class
+ this survey (which has taken forever)
+ got upset with someone
+ played on Neopets

name the last four things you have bought:
+ dinner for Chris on Friday
+ gas
+ oil for my car
+ window cling

name four drinks you regularly drink:
+ sweet tea
+ Coke
+ Fuze
+ cranberry juice

Eight places I've visited:
+ San Francisco, CA
+ New York, NY
+ Washington, DC
+ Miami, FL
+ Atlanta, GA
+ Myrtle Beach, SC
+ Bekeley, WV
+ Wilmington, NC

Seven things to win my heart:
+ sense of humor
+ caring
+ sweet
+ smart
+ good hygiene
+ trust
+ understanding

Six things I believe in:
+ God
+ love
+ hope
+ peace
+ human strength
+ miracles

Five things I'm afraid of:
+ spiders
+ roller coasters
+ sharks
+ death
+ being alone

Four favorite items in my bedroom :
+ bed
+ Hello Kitties
+ angels
+ DVD player

Three things I do everyday :
+ Brush my teeth
+ check Facebook
+ take my vitamins

Two things I'm trying not to do right now:
+ stress out
+ homework

One person I want to see right *now*:
+ Chris J


1 comment:

lucybett said...

1. Random lyric: “Let them hos fight, pull the weave out. If a nigga act up pull the Desert Es out. When I pull the piece out niggas like ‘peace ouuuuuut.’”--- BEST random lyrics ever
2. What/Who/Signficance of "J??"