Thursday, February 26, 2009

my dad

Today my dad is having foot surgery for an injury he sustained back in November. From what I understand, they are going to be taking bone from his ankle, inserting it into the break, and then putting a screw in his foot. That doesn't sound like much fun. I hope that he heals up pretty well though, so he can go back to work. He hasn't worked since the second week in November and that's really hurting my family's finances, which were already strained to begin with. So if you read this, please just keep him in your prayers. He needs a full, speedy recovery so that he can start living his life again. He's been cooped up in our house since he hasn't been at work because he's not allowed to put any weight on his foot. He's had to get around on crutches and I'm sure that's annoying too. Just remember him today.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

economic protection

With the economy continuing it's downward spiral, sales are going down, businesses are failing, people are losing their jobs. It sucks. But there most be one thing that's prospering despite the crappy value of the dollar. Anyone venture to guess what it is? I was thinking, and my idea is that of all things, condoms are probably experiencing great sales right now. I mean, think about it. Who would want to bring a child into this economy? I'm sure having a baby is something that's not a popular idea at this point in time, so people are taking extra precautions. It's kind of like the reverse Baby Boomer effect...times were good when all of the men came back from World War II and so bunches of babies started to spring up everywhere. Now, times are in the toilet so people are trying to prevent the (I hate to say this...) extra expense of supporting another child. Has anyone confirmed this with the recent birth rates?

I'm not saying this is exactly true, but it's just another thing I was throwing around my head. I do that on occasion in order to block thoughts of other things out.

What do you think???

Oh, and Happy Ash Wednesday. What are you giving up?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

kellogg's v. brown

So, I rarely take to my blog twice a day (I think this is the first time), but I just HAVE to write about this. I've been keeping quiet about it for a few days now, but after reading this article on Perez Hilton, I just had to make the comparison.

Okay, a few weeks ago, this picture of Michael Phelps smoking a bong hit the internet. After everyone was exposed to that, Phelps lost pretty much all of his endorsements, which is extremely understandable. One of the companies Phelps did ads for was Kellogg's, and they dropped him like a hot potato (excuse the cliche)! Now a lot of people (and some I know personally) are boycotting Kellogg's because of this. In my opinion, that's a bunch of crap. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people smoking weed. If you want to do that, it's your call and it's fine with me. However, what I do have a problem with is people who are supposed to be international role models smoking weed in pictures. If you're going to engage in such behavior, do it at home, behind closed doors, where people can't snap camera phone pictures and sell them to the tabloids. Kellogg's has every right to drop their endorsement if they feel as though Phelps is not representing their company's image. How much do they pay this guy? I'm willing to bet that it's at least five figures. If they don't agree with Phelps taking a huge hit off a bong, they can nullify their contracts and that's that. The same thing goes on the smaller scale. If someone you had working in your house, say a maid, a gardener, a babysitter, whoever it may be, and they were caught smoking weed, wouldn't you fire them? These aren't the kind of people who you would want working for your family, and by association representing you in public. A lot of people are arguing that it's stupid that marijuana is illegal, and that's why they're boycotting Kellogg's. Okay, you're right. It is stupid that marijuana is illegal, but the fact is IT'S STILL ILLEGAL! What Michael Phelps did was an illegal activity. Kellogg's does not want someone who participates in illegal activities representing their company. They terminated his contract. End of story. Also, I wonder how many people realize that Kellogg's sells a lot more than cereal. So here's a list of Kellogg's brands for those of you partaking in the boycott: Keebler, Pop-Tarts, Eggo, Cheez-It, Club, Nutrigrain, Rice Krispies, All-Bran, Special K, Mini-Wheats, Chips Deluxe, Sandies, Morningstar Farms, Famous Amos, and Murray.
I'm sure you've noticed that the list is pretty comprehensive. Good luck going to the grocery store and actually being able to buy something. If you're still eating and purchasing any of these foods when you said you were boycotting Kellogg's brands, I'm going to have to call you out as a big hypocrite. Either put down the Pop-Tart or shut up.

Next topic: Chris Brown beating up Rihanna.

The article I posted about Chris Brown losing all of his radio plays, endorsements, fans, etc. sparked an interest in comparing the two. What Chris Brown did to Rihanna is way more serious than Michael Phelps enjoying some reefer. You can't just physically assault someone like that and get away with it. I've already blogged about that though, so if you're interested in my take on the situation you should go read it. So after my disclaimer on the seriousness of this situation, I'd like to say that both Phelps and Brown are celebrities. They both did something illegal. Both are being punished with dropped endorsements, lost fans, and boycotts. This may be an obvious question, but why are people not getting upset about Chris Brown's lost reputation? Part of my nature is to be controversial, so after you over the initial shock of my question, just think about it. A crime is a crime. Punishment usually follows crime. Both men are being punished. Logically, this follows. Phelps is getting a slap on the wrist compared to what Brown is getting. He's not even being arrested or charged with anything, while other people involved in drug usage that night are! We complain about celebrities getting paid so much for "doing nothing" anyway, so why is it upsetting to a good number of the population that Phelps is being dropped by companies left and right? He no longer represents what they stand for. Whereas, if radio stations kept playing Chris Brown's songs, people would go nuts. DJs and fans don't support a woman-beating bastard such as Brown is, and since this is looked down on in the public eye, people are okay with him losing his fame or whatever you may say is happening to him. All I'm trying to say is that Michael Phelps no longer represents the companies that used to endorse him because of his drug usage. Chris Brown is no longer someone most people want to support because of what he did to his girlfriend. So why is it right to drop Chris Brown but not Michael Phelps? Think about it. To me, that is not a logical argument because, as I stated above, both have misrepresented their sponsors in the public eye. Sure, one crime was way worse than the other, but again, BOTH COMMITTED CRIMES!

Before I publish this, I'd like to re-state that I in no way, shape, or form support Chris Brown laying his hands on Rihanna. What he did was terrible and I, along with many others, will not stand for such behavior.
That said, I leave you something to chew on...

missing you

After going so long without speaking, I feel as though it will be hard to readjust/weird. Maybe it'll be like the beginning of our relationship, who knows? All that I know is I miss you lots and lots and more and more each day that goes by and I don't hear your voice. I can't even remember what it sounds like, really. And when I look at pictures of you, it's like I'm looking at a stranger. It's all too much for me to comprehend sometimes.
Two weeks doesn't seem that long, but go without speaking and you'll see that it is. You miss so much in each others' lives and it's like you have to relearn everything about them. My memory keeps getting foggier concerning things like his personality, the things he said to me before we stopped talking, the way he looks when he's mad. I'm beginning to forget all the bad, so I hope I won't be disappointed. It's melting away, drying up, hopefully it'll stay that way.
There isn't a second that goes by that I don't think about you and how it'll be in just four days when we talk again. My greatest fear is that I'll tell you how much I've missed you and you'll tell me that you haven't missed me at all. I'm having nightmares about it.
I love you...don't let this love fade away.

Monday, February 23, 2009

busy week

I have so much due this week that it's not even funny! There are always a few weeks in the semester where things happen to creep up on you and you've completely forgotten about them--or set them off to the side and not thought about them since they were assigned. This week is not going to be fun...and then I have a 7-9 page paper due next Monday, along with another writing assignment, and a presentation next Tuesday. WOW! Can you say STRESS??? I usually try not to let things bother me. I just do them (or don't do them until the last minute!) and let it be done. Stress sucks. It makes your face break out, your stomach ache, and your nerves jitter. Anywho, if I don't post for a few days, you know what's up. I'm buried under a pile of books and papers and won't be coming out for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, Spring Break is right around the corner. Goodbye UNC, hello St. Petersburg, Florida!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

iTunes games

As a change of pace from my normal moody/pensive blogging, here are a few games played with iTunes. Enjoy!
PS: I restarted the shuffle every time I started a new survey, hence the repetition of some songs.


Open up your iTunes and fill out this survey, no matter how embarrassing the responses might be.

How many songs total: 400
How many hours or days of music: 1.1 days

Sort by song title
First Song: Aeroplane (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Last Song: The 4th Branch (Immortal Technique)

Sort by time
Shortest Song: Intro (Kanye West) at 19 seconds
Longest Song: Last Call (Kanye West) at 12:41

Sort by album
First album: All That We Needed (Plain White Ts)
Last album: 80s Collection (Frankie Smith)

Top Five Most Played Songs
1. Redemption Song (Bob Marley)
2. One Love (Bob Marley)
3. Sugar, We're Going Down (Fall Out Boy)
4. Over My Head (The Fray)
5. I Belong to Me (Jessica Simpson)

First song that comes up on Shuffle: Paris in Flames (Thursday)

Search the following and state how many songs come up
Death - 4
Life - 12
Love - 11
Hate - 2
You - 41
Sex - 3



So, here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie!

Opening Credits: Mad World (Gary Jules)

Waking Up: One Mic (Nas) [haha Lucy, this is meant to be for you!]

First Day At School: Everything We Had (The Academy Is...)

Falling In Love: Ave Maria (Pavarotti)

Fight Song: Hey There Delilah (Plain White T's) [really?!?! lol]

Prom: Hey Jealousy (Gin Blossoms)

Life’s OK: Promiscuous (Nelly Furtado) [hahahaha]

Mental Breakdown: Smoke Two Joints (Sublime) [well...I guess that one fits]

Driving: Sun Is Shining (Bob Marley) [okay, this one definitely works here!]

Flashback: Miss Murder (AFI)

Getting Back Together: Yellow (Coldplay) [awww...makes me want to cry]

Birth of Child: Your Body is a Wonderland (John Mayer) [would fit better BEFORE the child!]

Wedding: Broken (Seether feat. Amy Lee) [haha, nice]

Final Battle: Real World (Matchbox 20)

Death Scene: Neighbors (The Academy Is...)

Funeral Song: I Don't Love You (My Chemical Romance) [wow...]

End Credits: Every Morning (Sugar Ray) [ballin!!!]


1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds.

Broken (Seether feat. Amy Lee) [this one keeps coming up...]

My Humps (Black Eyed Peas) [spot on! lol!]

I'd Do Anything (Simple Plan) [freaky.]

Everything I Am (Kanye West)

Nobody's Home (Avril Lavigne)

Deep Inside of You (Third Eye Blind) [interesting]

Beautiful (Nick Lachey) [awww...]

Low (Flo-Rida) [haha...yep I loves me some Apple Bottom Jeans!]

Slow Motion (Third Eye Blind)

Yellow (Coldplay)

What's Your Fantasy (Ludacris) [apparently I want to be a stripper because when I did this survey on Facebook another sexy song came up!]

I Shot the Sheriff (Bob Marley) [haha, kinda]

Intro (Kanye West) [wow....really inappropriate]

One Week (Barenaked Ladies) [hahahaha yep]

Wrong Idea (Snoop Dogg) [not sure what to make of this one]

What I Got (Sublime) [you try to figure it out!]

On Your Own (Nick Lachey) [well...that's kind of depressing]

Graduation Day (Kanye West)


[it's better if you don't cheat and don't skip any songs.]

What is your name? Or what should your name be?
Doin' Time (Sublime)

How is your life going?
Jesus Walks (Kanye West)

What is your nickname?
Sex and Candy (Marcy Playground) [ohhh yesss]

What is your theme song?
Tha Shiznit (Snoop Dogg) [well, that pretty much describes me :P]

What is your best friend's theme song?
Sleeping In (The Postal Service) [nice song :)]

How is your life going to turn out?
Smoke Two Joints (Sublime) [Gosh, I really hope not!]

Will you get married?
Buffalo Soldier (Bob Marley)

Will you have kids?
Every Time (Britney Spears) [haha, that's reassuring!]

What will your job be?
Slow Down (The Academy Is...) [sweet, I don't have to worry about that for awhile]

Did you/will you finish school?
I Don't Give a Damn (Avril Lavigne) [lmao!]

Who is your best friend?
Deep Inside of You (Third Eye Blind)

Who is or will be your significant other?
Hanging by a Moment (Lifehouse) [ this song]

Who do you like?
I'd Do Anything (Simple Plan)

How will you die?
I Will Buy You A New Life (Everclear) [judging by the band, by drinking too much lol]

How do you feel right now?
One Mic (Nas) [whaaaat?]

What is your favorite song?
The Cause of Death (Immortal Technique) [not my fav, but pretty good]

How could you describe your parents?
At Last (Etta James)

Your best friend[s]?
Swagger Like Us (TI) [haha yep, pretty much ballin]

Your teachers?
The Joker (Steve Miller Band) [haha, they're all a bunch of jokers fo sho]

Your significant other [or crush...]?
Screaming Infidelities (Dashboard Confessional) [omg...I really hope not!]

We Don't Care (Kanye West) [haha yep]

What is your best feature?
Flashing Lights (Kanye West)

What will you be / should you be, profession-wise?
You Don't Know How it Feels (Tom Petty) [lol]

How could you describe this survey?
Too Much to Ask (Avril Lavigne) [hahahaha]

What makes you angry?
Locked Up (Akon) [yep, that would pretty much do it]

What makes you sad?
War All the Time (Thursday) [totally true]

What makes you happy?
The Next Episode (Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg) [haha! YES!]

What makes you dance?
Everywhere But Here (Nick Lachey) [not so much]

What is your favorite color?
Paperthin Hymn (Anberlin)

How would you describe yourself?
It Ends Tonight (All American Rejects) [yikes!]

Who is your worst enemy?
Angel (Sarah McLachlan) []

Who do you hate?
Chop Chop (The Academy Is...)

Who do you love?
Wide Open Spaces (Dixie Chicks) [well, we're having a lot of "space" between us now...]

Who do you lust after?
Ghosts (Nick Lachey) [omg...sooo true at times]

Finish the Sentence

I wish: Slow Jamz (Kanye West)

I want to: My Sacrifice (Creed)

I want to kill: Drive (Incubus)

I want to eat: 3 AM (Matchbox 20) [lol...]

My head: Thug Luv (Bone Thugs n Harmony) [yeaaah]

I am: From Yesterday (30 Seconds to Mars) [lol love it]

My best feature is: Jack & Diane (John Cougar Mellencamp)

My eyes are: Irreplaceable (Beyonce) [yep!]

My hair is: Roll it Up, Light it Up, Smoke it Up (Cypress Hill) [noooo!]

My face is: Invisible (Ashlee Simpson) [aww :(]

You should: Colt 45 (Afroman)


Words of advice: Shhh (Atmosphere) [so true for most people!]

How do others see me?: Walk It Out Remix (DJ Unk) [haha]

How do I see myself?: This Song Brought to You by a Falling Bomb (Thursday) [kinda sad :(]

What Would be Said? Shuffle Survey

Put your iTunes on shuffle, but instead of just putting the name of the song, write the first sentence of the song as a response to the questions.
PS: I skipped the intros on most of these songs and just put the first "real" lines. :)

These were my first words:
Snoooooooop. When the pimps in the crib ma, drop it like it's hot.
"Drop it Like it's Hot" by Snoop Dogg

This is what my mom said when she gave birth to me:
You're there by my side, in every way.
"This I Swear" by Nick Lachey

This is what I say every morning when I wake up:
My eyes are open wide, by the way I made it through the day.
"Second Chance" by Shinedown [appropriate!]

This is what my friends think of me:
Come here girl. What your name is?
"Shake Ya Tailfeather" by Nelly, P.Diddy, and Murphy Lee

These are the first words I spoke to my true love:
When the night has come and the land is dark and the moon is the only light we see.
"Stand by Me" by John Lennon

If someone says this, it makes me mad:
Spread your love and fly.
"Fly" by Sugar Ray

This is my battle cry:
I know what you're doing, I see it all too clear.
"Barely Breathing" by Duncan Sheik

This is my outlook on life:
Tell me do you think it'd be alright if I could just crash here tonight.
"Hey Jealousy" by Gin Blossoms

This is my message to the world:
She said it's cold outside and she hands my my raincoat.
"3 AM" by Matchbox 20

This always cheers me up:
Are you there?
"You Are Not Alone" by Nick Lachey

This is what my last boyfriend/girlfriend said to break up with me:
Snoop D.O. Double G, the way you rip so love-ely
"Snoop D.O. Double G" by Snoop Dogg [lol!]

People think I'm crazy if I say this:
Close your eyes.
"I'll Make Love to You" by Boyz II Men

I said this when I lost my virginity:
Notice me, take my hand.
"Everytime" by Britney Spears

I'd say this to break up with someone:
I would dial the numbers just to listen to your breath.
"Come to my window" by Melissa Etheridge [would be better in the "People would think I'm crazy if... section!]

I said this when I found out I was pregnant/got someone pregnant:
My friends, I'm so depressed.
"My Friends" by Red Hot Chili Peppers [hahahaha, I would totally say that!]

I said this in my wedding vows:
And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time.
"What Sarah Said" by Death Cab for Cutie [wow, nice title!]

People said this when I got married:
I never said I'd lie in wait forever.
"The Ghost of You" by My Chemical Romance

This is what I said when I proposed/was proposed to:
I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane.
"Aeroplane" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I said this when I was fired from/quit my job:
God show me the way cuz the devil's trying to break me down.
"Jesus Walks" by Kanye West [lol, stickin it to the man eh?]

My last words:
I've got a cupboard with cans of food, filtered water and pictures of you.
"We Will Become Silhouettes" by The Postal Service [haha, fitting]

What people say at my funeral:
They see me rollin', they hatin', tryin to catch my ridin' dirty.
"Ridin' Dirty" by Chamillionaire [lmao!!!!]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

list of grievances

Yeah okay, I'm angry. I'll admit it. There are seven stages of grief: denial, pain and guilt, anger, loneliness, the upward turn, reconstruction, and acceptance. I'm currently in the third stage, although it feels like my moods fluctuate on a daily basis. I've definitely been in the denial, pain, and loneliness stages already. Today I just want to air my list of grievances on this relationship:

1. You always have to be right. No matter what I say, I'm wrong and your response to everything I say is "You're just proving my point." Man up and accept the blame when it's appropriate.

2. Hanging up. That's rude. Just don't do it. Even if you don't want to hear what I have to say, there are other ways to go about ending a conversation instead of hanging up on someone.

3. Respect my opinions as I respect yours. You may not like it, but you have to acknowledge that it's an opinion. Opinions can't be right or wrong.

4. Yelling at me is no way to solve a problem.

5. Also, name calling is immature as well as degrading. You don't speak that way to me. I won't listen to it.

6. Ignoring the issue altogether isn't going to solve anything either. I can give you time to cool down before we talk, but we HAVE to talk about it. If it isn't discussed then it will come back later. There's no use in having ghosts of problems past haunting us.

7. Chill out. Don't be so edgy all the time. Stop waiting for me to say something that could be construed as offensive. Don't try to trap me because that's malicious and manipulative.

I love you so much, and I miss you a lot right now. I'm thinking about you and what I can do to make things better for you, and I hope you're doing the same thing for me. I know there are things I need to work tone of voice, the same thing I accused you of doing in #7 above, my attitude. I'm getting there. Stick with me, it takes time. I'll give you all the time you need. I just want us to be happy again. I know the honeymoon stage is over, but there is no reason why we can't be happy like we were. I'm willing to forget the ugly and only stick with the good, but at the same time I know I have to take the good with the bad. Just please know that I'm doing this for our benefit. It hurts but I'm getting better. Each day gets easier.

Please don't forget me.

Friday, February 20, 2009

this is sickening

By now, everyone knows about the whole Chris Brown whaling on Rihanna. It's been weeks and finally someone released (leaked?) the picture the cops took after the beating. Here it is:

Bruised Rihanna

This is why I have almost no faith left in men. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part they are sleezy scumbags who think it's okay to do this to a woman! Why is it okay for you to put your hands on another person? I know every boy has heard from their mother or significant woman figure in their lives that they aren't to hit girls. The same goes for everyone...just keep your hands to yourself! Why is that so damn hard? I'm really sick that someone could harm another human being in such a manner.

Maybe back in the day it was more acceptable to hit a woman if she disobeyed you. If dinner wasn't on the table or the laundry wasn't folded correctly. Drunk men everywhere abused their loving wives, or shall I say, doormats. Sorry men, that isn't in our definition anymore. You can't touch us. You will go to jail and worse, our fathers will beat you to a pulp. Our brothers, male friends, and family members will kill you for laying your dirty hands on us in any inappropriate manner. And we will too. We won't take it anymore.

So next time, before you do something, sit your 40 down and gain some self-control. Don't take your hate for your lowlife self out on your innocent girlfriend who is most likely just upset that you're a pig in every sense of the word.

Here's a big F**K YOU! to Chris Brown. I hope you go to jail you asshole.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

bridging the gap

I sometimes find it hard to understand some why they do certain things even though they know it's going to upset other people in their lives. Why do they say such things to people they love? Why do they distance themselves from their friends? Why do they blame people who aren't at fault? It took me a long time to answer these questions about myself. I've grown an extraordinary amount since my high school years. College and a tumultuous relationship have taught me things that I could never have learned on my own, and for that I'm grateful. I was enlightened today when playing around on Facebook. One of my friends had written a note using Urban Dictionary to answer some questions about herself. Silly, I know, but it turned out to be an eye-opener for me. I was thinking about my boyfriend and I...we're currently not on speaking terms due to some things that have happened recently. We're trying to work it out. I just don't understand him sometimes. This note, however silly it may be, helped me to realize that he's just who he is. He does those things not because he's malicious or trying to hurt me or because he doesn't care. He's just that way. There's no changing it. No doubt, some maturation will come with age and more experience, but for the most part he's what he is and he'll always be that way. Anyway, back when I was in sixth grade I loved astrology. I obsessed over my horoscope and my friends and I would always be researching different facts about the zodiac signs. One of the questions on that note on Facebook was about the girl's zodiac sign, which happens to be Gemini, which also happens to be my boyfriend's sign. The definition is as follows:

Gemini is a sign that runs from May 21st to June 20th. Geminis are Creative, artistic, Nice, Intellectual, Individualistic, Outgoing and Compassionate. On the other hand they can also be inconsistent, nervous, nosy and lazy at times.
Gemini's Likes include:

-Variety in life

Their Dislikes include:

-Boring things
-Labor (such as school)
-Repitition; being in a rut
-Strict People

I see Chris in this description, and though I don't believe that the zodiac is a viable explanation for much of anything anymore, it certainly makes sense. It's funny how one little thing can tie in a past, present, and future so neatly. I mean, reading this definition of a Gemini even now creeps me out a little bit. It's like it was written for him. I'm just glad that the waters have turned clear and that I can begin to understand him a little more. The answer seems so obvious...people just are who they are. Why couldn't I see that before? I'm kind of disappointed in my lack of understanding. Maybe it is a good thing that we're taking this break. I knew it was already, but this affirmed my position and I'm really glad that things seem to be coming together better for me. Hopefully he'll see that within himself too.

Until next time...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

before I die

You know how some people make lists of things to do before they die? Remember the movie The Bucket List? I've always wanted to make one of these. It started when I was a junior in high school and these two girls in my study hall both had huge lists of things they wanted to accomplish before they died. Theirs were pages and pages long and each day they'd go over their lists and cross things off that they had accomplished. I've tried to make a list before but when I sit down and review it, I always lose confidence and say, "That's really stupid," to myself. So far, this is what my list looks like:

1. Ride an elephant
2. Swim with the dolphins
3. Travel to Europe

Yeah, really short huh? I never really know what to put on my list, but those are the top three things that I definitely want to do. I might be doing #3 this summer if I'm accepted/can find the money to go to Paris for study abroad. Any suggestions on what I should put on there? I know it's personal but I'm sure there are a ton of awesome things to do out in the world that I'm not aware of!

Until next time...

Monday, February 16, 2009


This is one of my greatest pet peeves, up there with being late (and if you know me, you know punctuality is necessary). Let me recount a few stories that happened to me just today that show how rude people can be. I'm just about tired of it, and there's no reason why I should have to put up with this anyway. The sad thing about it is, even though you may expose people's rudeness to them, they'll never change it. Anyway...

#1: This one has two parts. The RA on my hall is probably one of the most fake people I've ever met. If she's reading this right now, good. Aside from her usual weird/fake/extremely bubbly (in a bad way) behavior, she's done two things today to offend me. In the past her rudeness has been at bay, but took a head when she didn't wish me a happy birthday, even though she clearly knew it was my birthday AND she saw me in the hall, looked right at me, and said nothing. Alright, past that onto today, for real. The first time she was rude to me occurred this morning around 11:50 when I was exiting Greenlaw Hall. She almost ran into me, looked me in the eye, and didn't say a word of recognition. My smile went unrequited as well. Second time, I was walking to class this afternoon around 4:45 and she passed me on the road, also looking right at me, and said nothing. Why does she have a vendetta against me? I've done nothing to her. She's had something against our room (224) and all three of its occupants since the beginning of the year! She socializes with only a select few girls on the hall and ignores the rest of us. Thanks "Trecia"...that means a whole lot to me.

#2: Today I go down to the Cobb Community Office to inquire about a package for my roommate Emily. She went abroad to Paris this semester and someone sent her a package. Obviously if she's in Paris, she can't pick it up. I went down to see if there was any way that she could get someone to get it for her, seeing as she has two honest, capable roommates and her sister also goes to school here. The response I got was "Well, could have her send a forwarding address." To Paris? Really? Like Cobb is going to foot the bill to ship that package to Emily in Paris! Before I even asked the question while I was explaining the situation, the girl working the desk started shaking her head. I never asked if *I* could pick up the package. After that fiasco, I asked if misdirected mail was turned into the office. My W-2 was sent to my old address and I thought maybe the people would have turned it into the office. The girl told me there was nothing she could do for me. Couldn't she even look? Wow, thanks M. You see, M. lives a few rooms away from me and she's always got a sour look on her face. Her room is often so loud past quiet hours (and before) that neither me nor Lucy can get any work done. She's the least helpful office assistant I've ever encountered, and a really bad, inconsiderate hallmate.

So the point of this story? Try to be nicer to your fellow people...being rude doesn't get you anywhere and it gives you a bad rep. Interacting with rude people on a daily basis is really unpleasant for most of us. What do they see in being that way? I hope maybe the aforementioned people see this blog and think twice next time someone approaches them for whatever reason.

Until next time...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

crappy weekend

I think I have a lot of these. Here's a run down, just so I can skip to the point.

Friday: I get picked up by my boyfriend, and it was fine. We missed each other. Toward the end of the night we get into an argument (surprise, surprise) and then we're pissed. He drops me off at the restaurant I'm meeting my friend David at, as planned. He gets better.

Saturday: Valentine's Day. I'm not being picked up by my boyfriend until 3:30. He's supposed to be preparing a super delicious meal for us. I scurry around my house trying to find dessert recipes. We're out of eggs. I make a mayonnaise cake with fudge icing and it takes forever. I get ready and he comes to get me. When I arrive back at his house, a pretty table is set up with rose petals and heart shaped candles. I get a lot of candy, a stuffed bear, and two pink roses. Dinner is not even started and I'm starving. I end up making everything but the steaks (I thought he was supposed to cook for me?). I don't mind helping, but the whole reason why he picked me up at 3:30 was so the food could be almost ready by the time I get there. That aside, we eat dinner, which was delicious, and then watch Mean Girls. At 10:00 he wants to take me home (wtf?)! I say okay because he agrees to come to my house at 10:30 the next morning so we can hang out. We get into a huge argument. There are tears. I get dropped off at David's dorm room, and a flurry of phone calls/texts, waterworks of tears, and 2 hours later, I go home and crash in my bed. By this time, my roses are dead, my eyes are swollen, and my feet hurt from the heels I wore. Perfect Valentine's Day turns into Worst Valentine's Day EVER.

Sunday (today): I'm sitting in my bed, miserable, not really wanting to do anything at all except sleep. He's not coming over today. Typical. He's avoiding my phone calls. Typical. I want to discuss our relationship and the obvious end it needs to come to, but he thinks I'm lying. Also typical. There's a woodpecker on the chimney outside of my bedroom window and it's annoying the crap out of me because every time I try to go to sleep, he starts banging into the wood. I'm pissed. Today's going to be awesome...right.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

just a regular Thursday night

Tonight Lucy and I hung out and went to Nantucket for dinner...yummy. My diet didn't survive that one, but I'll get on track again tomorrow! Luckily, appetizers are half off on Thursdays so we both got the chicken tenders, making for a cheap and very good meal. Afterwards, we hit up Parizade for some drinks and fun.

While at the bar I realized that I have so much more fun when I don't have to worry about certain people who are in my life. I'm so relaxed and carefree. I can chat with people I don't know and have a great time. Rodney and Castillo are hilarious. Maybe it was the drinks or the free dessert, but whatever was the cause, I had a great time tonight. Hanging out with my girl Lucy is always so much fun. At the end of the night, I got a kiss from Rodney (lol, scandalous!) and a hug from Castillo. I hope more nights are like this one :).

Tomorrow I head back home to face the beast....not something I really want to do but it has to be done. Is it really time to cut the cord? We'll see. I love him, but sometimes it's better to just let go.

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

hanging up

How do I always end up taking the blame for something that isn't my fault? When did I become a doormat? If you hang up on me, I shouldn't have to apologize for your misunderstanding of the explanation I was giving. If you happen to get pissy in the middle of what I'm telling you, it isn't my fault that you misinterpreted the situation. My oratory skills only go so far. My mouth can't make your ears hear what they don't want to hear. But I do deserve the respect that I give you. I don't ever hang up on you, even if I don't like what you're saying. So the moral of the story is, take the blame upon your shoulders for your misunderstanding of everything, because I certainly can't understand for you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

summer in Paris?

Really quickly before I go finish some case briefs for class...

I might be studying abroad in Paris this summer! How amazing would that be? I'm going to start filling out the application today probably, and trying to round up some professors who would give me an evaluation. It's approximately $7000 to go, but I'll try really hard to find that money. Studying abroad is an opportunity that would look great on my resume and application for law school as well as be a great experience for me. I'll only be gone from May 28-June 27 so it wouldn't be that big of a deal for me to go. I think I would have such a great time and it would definitely be a learning/growing experience for me.

I'll keep you guys posted on what will become of this. Now to go finish my homework!!