Tuesday, February 24, 2009

missing you

After going so long without speaking, I feel as though it will be hard to readjust/weird. Maybe it'll be like the beginning of our relationship, who knows? All that I know is I miss you lots and lots and more and more each day that goes by and I don't hear your voice. I can't even remember what it sounds like, really. And when I look at pictures of you, it's like I'm looking at a stranger. It's all too much for me to comprehend sometimes.
Two weeks doesn't seem that long, but go without speaking and you'll see that it is. You miss so much in each others' lives and it's like you have to relearn everything about them. My memory keeps getting foggier concerning things like his personality, the things he said to me before we stopped talking, the way he looks when he's mad. I'm beginning to forget all the bad, so I hope I won't be disappointed. It's melting away, drying up, hopefully it'll stay that way.
There isn't a second that goes by that I don't think about you and how it'll be in just four days when we talk again. My greatest fear is that I'll tell you how much I've missed you and you'll tell me that you haven't missed me at all. I'm having nightmares about it.
I love you...don't let this love fade away.

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