Wednesday, February 25, 2009

economic protection

With the economy continuing it's downward spiral, sales are going down, businesses are failing, people are losing their jobs. It sucks. But there most be one thing that's prospering despite the crappy value of the dollar. Anyone venture to guess what it is? I was thinking, and my idea is that of all things, condoms are probably experiencing great sales right now. I mean, think about it. Who would want to bring a child into this economy? I'm sure having a baby is something that's not a popular idea at this point in time, so people are taking extra precautions. It's kind of like the reverse Baby Boomer effect...times were good when all of the men came back from World War II and so bunches of babies started to spring up everywhere. Now, times are in the toilet so people are trying to prevent the (I hate to say this...) extra expense of supporting another child. Has anyone confirmed this with the recent birth rates?

I'm not saying this is exactly true, but it's just another thing I was throwing around my head. I do that on occasion in order to block thoughts of other things out.

What do you think???

Oh, and Happy Ash Wednesday. What are you giving up?

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