Thursday, February 5, 2009

just a regular Thursday night

Tonight Lucy and I hung out and went to Nantucket for dinner...yummy. My diet didn't survive that one, but I'll get on track again tomorrow! Luckily, appetizers are half off on Thursdays so we both got the chicken tenders, making for a cheap and very good meal. Afterwards, we hit up Parizade for some drinks and fun.

While at the bar I realized that I have so much more fun when I don't have to worry about certain people who are in my life. I'm so relaxed and carefree. I can chat with people I don't know and have a great time. Rodney and Castillo are hilarious. Maybe it was the drinks or the free dessert, but whatever was the cause, I had a great time tonight. Hanging out with my girl Lucy is always so much fun. At the end of the night, I got a kiss from Rodney (lol, scandalous!) and a hug from Castillo. I hope more nights are like this one :).

Tomorrow I head back home to face the beast....not something I really want to do but it has to be done. Is it really time to cut the cord? We'll see. I love him, but sometimes it's better to just let go.

Until next time...

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