Monday, February 23, 2009

busy week

I have so much due this week that it's not even funny! There are always a few weeks in the semester where things happen to creep up on you and you've completely forgotten about them--or set them off to the side and not thought about them since they were assigned. This week is not going to be fun...and then I have a 7-9 page paper due next Monday, along with another writing assignment, and a presentation next Tuesday. WOW! Can you say STRESS??? I usually try not to let things bother me. I just do them (or don't do them until the last minute!) and let it be done. Stress sucks. It makes your face break out, your stomach ache, and your nerves jitter. Anywho, if I don't post for a few days, you know what's up. I'm buried under a pile of books and papers and won't be coming out for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, Spring Break is right around the corner. Goodbye UNC, hello St. Petersburg, Florida!

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