Monday, February 16, 2009


This is one of my greatest pet peeves, up there with being late (and if you know me, you know punctuality is necessary). Let me recount a few stories that happened to me just today that show how rude people can be. I'm just about tired of it, and there's no reason why I should have to put up with this anyway. The sad thing about it is, even though you may expose people's rudeness to them, they'll never change it. Anyway...

#1: This one has two parts. The RA on my hall is probably one of the most fake people I've ever met. If she's reading this right now, good. Aside from her usual weird/fake/extremely bubbly (in a bad way) behavior, she's done two things today to offend me. In the past her rudeness has been at bay, but took a head when she didn't wish me a happy birthday, even though she clearly knew it was my birthday AND she saw me in the hall, looked right at me, and said nothing. Alright, past that onto today, for real. The first time she was rude to me occurred this morning around 11:50 when I was exiting Greenlaw Hall. She almost ran into me, looked me in the eye, and didn't say a word of recognition. My smile went unrequited as well. Second time, I was walking to class this afternoon around 4:45 and she passed me on the road, also looking right at me, and said nothing. Why does she have a vendetta against me? I've done nothing to her. She's had something against our room (224) and all three of its occupants since the beginning of the year! She socializes with only a select few girls on the hall and ignores the rest of us. Thanks "Trecia"...that means a whole lot to me.

#2: Today I go down to the Cobb Community Office to inquire about a package for my roommate Emily. She went abroad to Paris this semester and someone sent her a package. Obviously if she's in Paris, she can't pick it up. I went down to see if there was any way that she could get someone to get it for her, seeing as she has two honest, capable roommates and her sister also goes to school here. The response I got was "Well, could have her send a forwarding address." To Paris? Really? Like Cobb is going to foot the bill to ship that package to Emily in Paris! Before I even asked the question while I was explaining the situation, the girl working the desk started shaking her head. I never asked if *I* could pick up the package. After that fiasco, I asked if misdirected mail was turned into the office. My W-2 was sent to my old address and I thought maybe the people would have turned it into the office. The girl told me there was nothing she could do for me. Couldn't she even look? Wow, thanks M. You see, M. lives a few rooms away from me and she's always got a sour look on her face. Her room is often so loud past quiet hours (and before) that neither me nor Lucy can get any work done. She's the least helpful office assistant I've ever encountered, and a really bad, inconsiderate hallmate.

So the point of this story? Try to be nicer to your fellow people...being rude doesn't get you anywhere and it gives you a bad rep. Interacting with rude people on a daily basis is really unpleasant for most of us. What do they see in being that way? I hope maybe the aforementioned people see this blog and think twice next time someone approaches them for whatever reason.

Until next time...

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