Friday, February 20, 2009

this is sickening

By now, everyone knows about the whole Chris Brown whaling on Rihanna. It's been weeks and finally someone released (leaked?) the picture the cops took after the beating. Here it is:

Bruised Rihanna

This is why I have almost no faith left in men. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part they are sleezy scumbags who think it's okay to do this to a woman! Why is it okay for you to put your hands on another person? I know every boy has heard from their mother or significant woman figure in their lives that they aren't to hit girls. The same goes for everyone...just keep your hands to yourself! Why is that so damn hard? I'm really sick that someone could harm another human being in such a manner.

Maybe back in the day it was more acceptable to hit a woman if she disobeyed you. If dinner wasn't on the table or the laundry wasn't folded correctly. Drunk men everywhere abused their loving wives, or shall I say, doormats. Sorry men, that isn't in our definition anymore. You can't touch us. You will go to jail and worse, our fathers will beat you to a pulp. Our brothers, male friends, and family members will kill you for laying your dirty hands on us in any inappropriate manner. And we will too. We won't take it anymore.

So next time, before you do something, sit your 40 down and gain some self-control. Don't take your hate for your lowlife self out on your innocent girlfriend who is most likely just upset that you're a pig in every sense of the word.

Here's a big F**K YOU! to Chris Brown. I hope you go to jail you asshole.

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