Tuesday, February 17, 2009

before I die

You know how some people make lists of things to do before they die? Remember the movie The Bucket List? I've always wanted to make one of these. It started when I was a junior in high school and these two girls in my study hall both had huge lists of things they wanted to accomplish before they died. Theirs were pages and pages long and each day they'd go over their lists and cross things off that they had accomplished. I've tried to make a list before but when I sit down and review it, I always lose confidence and say, "That's really stupid," to myself. So far, this is what my list looks like:

1. Ride an elephant
2. Swim with the dolphins
3. Travel to Europe

Yeah, really short huh? I never really know what to put on my list, but those are the top three things that I definitely want to do. I might be doing #3 this summer if I'm accepted/can find the money to go to Paris for study abroad. Any suggestions on what I should put on there? I know it's personal but I'm sure there are a ton of awesome things to do out in the world that I'm not aware of!

Until next time...

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