Tuesday, November 4, 2008

happy election day!

It only comes once every four years, and it's not Leap Day. It's the day when we voice our opinions and elect a new president for our country. As I explained last time, I am a student at UNC Chapel Hill, also known as "The Most Liberal Place in North Carolina." I've seen a lot of Obama t-shirts and bumper stickers that read "1.20.09: Bush's Last Day." These sightings don't surprise me at all, and actually I'd be scared and wonder if hell froze over if I didn't see them. But me, I'm not so liberal. I'm pretty moderate for the most part. As I try to explain to people often, I'm financially conservative and socially liberal. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gay rights and a woman's right to choose an abortion, but I feel like this year the social issues can wait. Has anyone seen the state of our economy? Granted I'm not extremely worried about the recession because I've taken a Civics & Economics class and am well aware that the economy runs in a cycle. Remember a few years ago when we were on the verge of a recession and now it's happened? Case in point. I know that in order for a boom cycle, a bust cycle must follow or preceed. Inflation is bad and people are losing their jobs. The banks are in a big mess because of the subprime lending crisis and the stock market continues to plumet. While these facts are scary, I do have hope (not to be overly Obama-esque) for the future of our country. The day will come when the stock market will rise, new jobs will be created, inflation will go down, and the dollar's worth will grow back to its previous standing (if not better). Our economic situation prompted me to vote for John McCain, and I will stand by my decision no matter what someone wants to throw at me. I have no doubt that both candidates are highly qualified for the position, but McCain seems like the better choice for what I believe in. I feel like he can take control of our economy and help it along so that our suffering isn't so bad. In my opinion, McCain seems to have a better understanding of economics and taxes than Obama.

That aside, I truly hope everyone got out and voted either early or today. Thank you for braving the long lines if you encountered them. In today's day and age it is extremely important for everyone to exercise their right to vote. This wouldn't be a democracy if we didn't have any say in the matter. Whoever wins, I know that this presidential term will be a new thing for our country and I'm really interested in seeing what happens.

Fox News is on mute right now so I can occassionally check out the returns. I can't wait to see who we chose for our new president!
Here's to both men...may the best one win!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, this is the problem with Obama's tax policy:

The people who he says will get a tax increase are the people who make more than ~$250,000. This consists somewhat of super rich people who will always find a way to weasel their way out of the taxes (trust me, they won't pay a dime extra in the end)... and small business owners. The SBOs (use to) pay very well and employ favorably. However, understandably, they aren't going to just stand around and take the increase in their taxes. They're going to keep getting the same amount of money they always do by either: Cutting jobs, cutting paychecks, or increasing prices. All of them are bad, as you can imagine.

So, I think we're going to see higher unemployment and/or stagflation. :(