Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I'd like to start this entry by congratulating our new president elect, Barack Obama. I seriously hope he does us right.

Moving along...

I've seen a lot of ladybugs near my dorm today. I really don't know what's going on being as I used my trusty Wikipedia and it seems that they disappear during the winter. I know it isn't winter yet, but I still think it's extremely odd to see so many of them flying around. I love ladybugs. They're really pretty and they've always been my favorite insect. I didn't know until today that they were a type of beetle. Call me crazy, but I just never even thought about it! You really do learn something new every day.

This weekend I'm going to get a semi-makeover. My hair is getting really unruly so I'm cutting it. Not too short, but short enough. I'm also thinking about getting color and going brunette. I definitely need a change of pace. That's a decision I'm going to have to think really hard about though. I've always enjoyed my natural strawberry blond. What if it doesn't come back? What if I don't like being brunette? We'll see how it pans out.

Shakespeare and nature critiques are calling so I have to cut this short. Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening!

1 comment:

lucybett said...

although you'll look beautiful no matter what you do.