Saturday, February 21, 2009

list of grievances

Yeah okay, I'm angry. I'll admit it. There are seven stages of grief: denial, pain and guilt, anger, loneliness, the upward turn, reconstruction, and acceptance. I'm currently in the third stage, although it feels like my moods fluctuate on a daily basis. I've definitely been in the denial, pain, and loneliness stages already. Today I just want to air my list of grievances on this relationship:

1. You always have to be right. No matter what I say, I'm wrong and your response to everything I say is "You're just proving my point." Man up and accept the blame when it's appropriate.

2. Hanging up. That's rude. Just don't do it. Even if you don't want to hear what I have to say, there are other ways to go about ending a conversation instead of hanging up on someone.

3. Respect my opinions as I respect yours. You may not like it, but you have to acknowledge that it's an opinion. Opinions can't be right or wrong.

4. Yelling at me is no way to solve a problem.

5. Also, name calling is immature as well as degrading. You don't speak that way to me. I won't listen to it.

6. Ignoring the issue altogether isn't going to solve anything either. I can give you time to cool down before we talk, but we HAVE to talk about it. If it isn't discussed then it will come back later. There's no use in having ghosts of problems past haunting us.

7. Chill out. Don't be so edgy all the time. Stop waiting for me to say something that could be construed as offensive. Don't try to trap me because that's malicious and manipulative.

I love you so much, and I miss you a lot right now. I'm thinking about you and what I can do to make things better for you, and I hope you're doing the same thing for me. I know there are things I need to work tone of voice, the same thing I accused you of doing in #7 above, my attitude. I'm getting there. Stick with me, it takes time. I'll give you all the time you need. I just want us to be happy again. I know the honeymoon stage is over, but there is no reason why we can't be happy like we were. I'm willing to forget the ugly and only stick with the good, but at the same time I know I have to take the good with the bad. Just please know that I'm doing this for our benefit. It hurts but I'm getting better. Each day gets easier.

Please don't forget me.


lucybett said...

not to take away from the serious tone of the post (you are definitely going through a lot right now and i know it's tough. you'll get through it) but the "please don't forget me" is one of my favorite 'stillo quotes of all time. lmao. i think i get it at least 3 times a week. at least.

s.e.m. said...

haha I totally know what you're talking about.
all hail 'stillo and his amazing broken English quotes :)