Thursday, February 26, 2009

my dad

Today my dad is having foot surgery for an injury he sustained back in November. From what I understand, they are going to be taking bone from his ankle, inserting it into the break, and then putting a screw in his foot. That doesn't sound like much fun. I hope that he heals up pretty well though, so he can go back to work. He hasn't worked since the second week in November and that's really hurting my family's finances, which were already strained to begin with. So if you read this, please just keep him in your prayers. He needs a full, speedy recovery so that he can start living his life again. He's been cooped up in our house since he hasn't been at work because he's not allowed to put any weight on his foot. He's had to get around on crutches and I'm sure that's annoying too. Just remember him today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope everything goes well for your Dad, and he has a speedy recovery.

My Dad just had surgery on his hand, last Friday for arthritis. Nothing new for him, since he had his other hand done in August of 2007..

Brandy -